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Backlink from "Do Follow" Blog

Backlink or back link is one of popularity blog factors. Backlink is a link from other website or blog coming to our website or blog. Back link is a website or blog conection . Backlink contributes to direct people from other website or blog to run to our website. Search engine is verry interested in calculating value of backlink. High value backlink has identivications: Coming from high rank blog or website. Other high rank website or blog may include our article on the page of which and mark some words in the article as a link refering to our page. In the otherside, we may leave comments to high rank website. If the high rank website is "dofollow" our comments will be automatically marked as backlinks by search engine. However, if the website is "nofollow" we get a benefit that the visitor of the website may walk to our website by that comment refering to our website or blog. Coming from a similar theme website or blog. Search engine recognizes theme of web

Blogging via Phone Celluler

I believe in my mind that most of people have been accessed internet via phone celluler . I warn you to keep your action carefull especialy for deleting some thing inside your blog. There're some restriction when accessing via handphone . However I and most people have got the same mind about accessing anytime anywhere lightly. For celluler blogging, we must manage celluler gprs setting before.


Have you ever find the words of SPAM and SPAM BLOG? I was out of luck due to missing action . This my blog was blocked by Google because which is suspected as spam blog. Event chronology: I toke a miss action. I wanted to dellete my less worth blog by my phone celluler, however I erased my good blog. Then I made duplicat blog which 90% similar to my deleted one. In just a few minuts, My new blog was suspected as spam blog , and I was blocked as spammer. Because of such bad experience, I learned about spam and spam blog so much. After I had done, I created this blog. I wish you will not experience bad time as like me at the last time. Currently, I would like to share information abot spam blog with you. What are indicators of spam blog? After understanding of Spam blog indicators, I sugest you should pay attention on blogging to not marked as spammer and blocked by search engines. Some indicators of spam block are: Containing so many duplicate keywords in a blog or meta tag. We cou

5 Important Trick (tips) for Optimizing Web Site or Blog

Trick (tips) for Optimizing Web Site or Blog How To Organize Our either Web site or Blog for The Early Placement of Searching Page? It’s the SEO help for you ( SEO Solution for optimizing either blog or web site ) Search engine optimization (SEO) ( SEO ) is an important trick so that our website or blog will be indexed and placed at early sequence in search engine’s list like Google and Yahoo. However, it is important to know that indexing process by search engine does not run in a short time, but occasionally in a quite long time, in several days or even many weeks. SEO ( search engine optimization ) is an imperative requirement for popular websites or blogs. When our website or blog is placed in early sequence of search engine’s list, more and more people will be easy to find our website or blog. It is influenced by a lot of factors such as: Keywords placed in a website or blog as both tag of articles and meta tag (for HTML code of website or blog). If keywords used is

Blogging For Money

Blogging for money is an interesting sentence for us. Is it easy to do and a really news? There is no perfect answer. The success always depends on ourown work. There are too many examples of success people reaching 18.000 $ / month. What is your opinion about it? Blogging is the action to build a blog and upgrade the blog continuously. We should frequently upgrade blog for keeping people interested in our blog satisfiedly. I would like to share how to easily create a blog : At first, please consider what server you want to use. There are many free servers such as,,, and others. I sugest using for the reason that is currently owned by Google so that Google search engine prefer to others. By using, we will not perform seo too hard. Click here to enter, but u have to read the point 2. Before creating blog in, u must create a google account (email at When you use ot

What is Seo?

For you, the beginer internet players, Seo will take a part of your prime action for popular website or blog . What is search engine optimization or seo ? I would explain the definition of seo simply: After building website or blog , we wish more and more people will be able to detect and access the website or blog. For making it to be real, we must regard to how people often look for many informations on internet . We know there are so many ways to find information on internet . However, based on a research, 80% people use search engine such as Google, Yahoo, MSN and other search engines in searching for hunted information. So, we can take a conclussion that search engine is a prime tool for accessable website or blog . According to such knowladge, webmasters or web owners sholud take an action for submitting website or blog to search engine such as Yahoo and Google. It's too easy for submitting website or blog to search engine . However, do you know that search engine